31 Mar 2014

Vegetable Wrap

1. Khuboos or Tortillas - 2
2. Carrot - 2 (cut in julienne)
3. Cabbage - 2-3 leaf (cut in julienne)
4. Onion - 1 (thinly sliced)
5. Lettuce leaves - 2-3 (chopped)
6. Green Chilli - 2 (cut in julienne)
7. Alfredo Sauce - 2 tbsp  Click for recipe of Alfredo Sauce
8. Crushed pepper - 2 tsp
9. Tomato Sauce - 2 tbsp
10. Salt to taste
11. Olive oil - 1 tbsp
12. Curl parsley - A few (chopped)

1. In a pan, heat olive oil. Stir fry carrot, cabbage, onion and green chilli with salt and pepper for 4-5 mins
2. In a plate, place the 1 Khuboos.
3. Pour the Alfredo Sauce on the middle of the Khuboos.
4. Put the half of cooked veggies along with some lettuce leaves and curly parsley
5. Pour the tomato sauce on top
6. Roll up in a wrap and indulge...

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