3 Mar 2014

Strawberry Mousse

1.Fresh Strawberry - 10 (hulled and cut in half)
2. Unflavored Gelatin - 1 tbsp
3. Cold water - 1/3 cup
4. Heavy cream - 2 cups (chilled)
5. Sugar - 3/4 cup

1. Puree the strawberry in a blender until smooth. Keep aside
2. In a bowl put sugar and gelatin. Pour boiling water over it and stir until sugar and gelatin dissolves
3. Add the pureed strawberries to the gelatin and mix well until combined
4. Whip the heavy cream until medium stiff peaks form
5. Fold the whipped cream into gelatin and strawberry mixture until well incorporated
6. Refrigerate for at least 2 hrs or until set
Serve chilled

Note: This can also be used for cake filling without refrigerating. You can also add pure vanilla extract to the mix

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