12 Feb 2014

Breaded Fish Fry / Crispy Fish Fry

1. Fish - 10 boneless pieces (i used buffalo fish, u can use any fish of your choice)
2. Turmeric powder - 1 pinch
3. Red Chilli powder - 1 tsp
4. Bread crumbs - 1/2 cup
5. All Purpose Flour/Maida - 3 tbsp
6. Egg - 1
7. Pepper powder - 1 tsp
8. Oregano - 1/4 tsp
9. Salt to taste
10. Cold water - 2 tsp
11. Oil for deep frying

1. Wash and clean the fish
2. Marinate the fish pieces wit turmeric powder, pepper powder, red chilli powder and little salt.
3. Whisk egg with cold water and keep aside
4. Season bread crumbs with little salt and oregano. Keep aside
5. Heat enough oil in a skillet for deep frying over medium high heat
6. Coat the fish piece in flour, then egg and then in bread crumbs
7. Gently put the coated fish piece into hot oil and fry for 5 minutes on each side they turn medium golden brown color
8. Remove and drain on paper towels
Serve hot

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