7 Feb 2014

Chilli Gobi Dry / Chilli Cauliflower

1. Cauliflower florets - 2 cups
2. Onion - 1 (chopped)
3. Red & Green Bell Peppers - 1/2 cup (chopped)
4. Chilli powder - 2 tbsp
5. Tomato Sauce - 1 tbsp
6. Red Chilli Sauce - 1 tbsp
7. Soya Sauce - 1 tsp
8. Garlic cloves - 4 (chopped)
9. Red Food Color - 2 pinch
10. Coriander leaves - 1/4 cup (chopped)
11. Spring onion - 1/4 cup (chopped)
12. Oil for frying

For Batter
1. Maida/All Purpose Flour - 3 tbsp
2. Cornflour - 3 tbsp
3. Besan/Gram Flour - 3 tbsp
4. Chilli powder - 1 tsp
5. Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
6. Black Pepper powder - 1 tsp
7. Salt to taste
8. Water as required

1. Wash and clean the cauliflower. Boil water, add salt and drench the cauliflower and let it stay for 3 minutes. Switch off the flame, drain all the water and pat dry the cauliflower in a clean kitchen towel and keep aside
2. Mix maida, cornflour, gram flour, chilli powder, turmeric powder, black pepper powder, a pinch of food color and salt with enough water to make a thick batter.
3. Add the steamed cauliflower and coat the batter until you get a thick batter on the cauliflower florets
4. Heat oil (4 cups) in deep bottomed vessel or wok. Deep fry the coated cauliflower florets on medium flame until crispy on the outside. Drain the fried cauliflower to a paper towel and keep aside
5. Heat oil (3 tbsp) in a pan. Fry the chopped onions till they turn translucent
6. Now add the chopped garlic and fry for 2 minutes
7. Put the chopped bell peppers and saute well
8. Now add the chilli powder and fry for 1 minute
9. Put the soya sauce, chilli sauce,tomato sauce and mix well
10. Add the food color and mix
11. Now put the fried cauliflower florets and mix well. Stir fry for 2 minutes
12. Garnish with spring onions and coriander leaves
Serve hot with roti of your choice

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