11 Feb 2014

Mutton Ishtu / Mutton Stew

1. Mutton - 1/2 kg
2. Green chilli - 5 (cut into slits)
3. Ginger garlic paste - 2 tbsp
4. Cloves - 5
5. Onion - 1 (large - chopped)
6. Cinnamon stick - 1 inch piece (broken)
7. Cardamon pods - 4 (crushed)
8. Fennel seeds - 1 tsp
9. Potato - 1 (cut into cubes)
10. Crushed pepper corn - 1 tsp
11. Thick coconut milk - 1 cup
12. Water - 1 cup
13. Oil - 2 tbsp
14. Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
15. Salt to taste
16. Coriander leaves to garnish
17. Curry leaves - 2 sprigs

1. Wash and clean the mutton. Cut into pieces
2. Marinate mutton pieces with 1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste, turmeric powder and salt.
3. Heat oil in a kadai/wok. Add cardamon pods, cinnamon stick, fennel seeds, cloves and fry for 1 minute
4. Put ginger-garlic paste and saute well.
5. Add curry leaves, green chilli and onions. Saute till onions turn translucent
6. Now add the potato pieces and marinated mutton. Mix well and saute for 2 minutes
7. Add water and keep covered till cooked
8. Put the crushed pepper corns and stir for another 1 minutes.
9. Add the coconut milk, stir well and switch off the stove. Let it remain for sometime
10. Garnish with coriander leaves
Serve hot with appam, kerala poratha, rice or roti

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