24 Feb 2014

Idli / Steamed Rice Cakes

1. Urad dal - 1 cup
2. Raw Rice - 1 cup
3. Fenugreek seeds - 1 tsp
4. Cooked rice - 1 1/2 tbsp
5. Salt to taste
6. Water required to make batter
7. Oil - 2 tbsp

1. Wash and soak raw rice, fenugreek seeds and urad dal for at least 2-3 hrs
2. Add cooked rice to it and grind them till smooth paste using the soaked water itself so that the batter will be soft.
3. Take the batter, add required salt, mix well and keep in steel vessel
4. Let the batter ferment overnight or at least for 12 hrs
5. Take idli steamer and add some water. Keep on the stove with the fire on.
6. Grease each of the moulds on the idli plates with little oil and place in the idli steamer
7. Gently swirl the batter. Pour a spoonful of batter in the greases idli moulds
8. Cover and steam the idlis for 10-12 minutes
9. Check if it is fully cooked by inserting a toothpick. If it does not come out clean, then steam for few more minutes.
10. When done remove the idli mould from the cooker and keep to cool for 1-2 minutes
11. Scoop the idlis from the moulds using a spoon
Serve hot with your favorite chutney or sambar

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