10 Feb 2014

Canned tuna masala fry / Tuna fish masala fry

1. Canned tuna - 2
2. Green chilli - 4 (cut into slits)
5. Garlic cloves - 6 (chopped)
6. Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
7. Pepper powder - 1/4 tsp
8. Turmeric powder  - 1/4 tsp
9. Onion - 1 (chopped)
10. Tomato - 1 (chopped) - optional, here i dint use
11. Salt to taste
12. Oil - 2 tbsp

1. Heat oil in a pan.
2. Put onions and garlic. Saute well till onions turn golden brown
3. Add green chilli and saute for 1 minute
4. If you are putting tomato, add them at this point and saute well till it becomes mushy
5. Now add the red chilli powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder and salt. Fry this for 1 minute
6. Open the cans of tuna, drain away the water and put into the mixture
7. Combine well and cook for for 5-10 minutes
8. Serve hot with roti or chapathi
You can also garnish with coriander leaves or curry leaves

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