27 Feb 2014

Prawns Mango Curry in Coconut Milk / Chemmeen Manga Curry - Kerala Style

1. Prawns - 1 lb
2. Raw mango - half (peeled and cut into big cubes)
3. Red Chilli powder - 2 tbsp
4. Coriander powder - 1 tbsp
5. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
6. Green Chilli - 2 (cut into slits)
7. Curry leaves - 1 sprig
8. Coconut milk - 1 cup
9. Gated coconut - 3 tbsp
10. Ginger - 1/2 inch piece (crushed)
11. Water - 1/3 cup
12. Salt to taste

1. Wash and clean the prawns using turmeric powder and lemon juice/vinegar
2. Mix the red chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, green chilli, raw mango pices, curry leaves, ginger and salt with water
3. Put the water mixture in a clay pot or skillet, add the cleaned prawns  and keep to boil
4. Grind the grated coconut with enough water to form a fine paste
5. Now add the coconut milk to the fish curry along with grated coconut paste and again keep to boil
Serve hot with plain rice

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