13 Feb 2014

Buffalo Fish Curry - Kerala Style

1. Buffalo fish - 250 gm
2. Red chilli powder - 2 tbsp
3. Coriander powder - 1 tbsp
4. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
5. Shallots/small onions - 3 (thinly sliced)
6. Green chilli - 2 (cut into slits)
7. Curry leaves - 1 sprig
8. Coconut milk - 1 cup
9. Grated coconut - 3 tbsp
10. Ginger - 1/2 inch piece (crushed)
11. Kudampuli/Brindleberry - 3-4 small pieces
12. Salt to taste
13. Coconut oil - 1 tbsp
14. Vinegar/Lemon juice for cleaning the fish
15. Water - 1/3 cup

1. Clean and wash the fish with vinegar/lemon juice and turmeric powder. Cut into medium size pieces.
2. Marinate it with little red chilli powder, turmeric powder and salt for 10-15 mnutes
3. Mix the red chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, green chilli, kumdampuli, few curry leaves, ginger and salt with the water.
4. Put the water mixture in a clay pot or skillet, add the marinated fish pieces and keep to boil
5. Grind the grated coconut with enough water to form a fine paste
6. Now add the coconut milk to the fish curry along with the grated coconut paste and again keep to boil
7. In a small pan, heat coconut oil and fry the shallots and the remaining few curry leaves. Add this to the fish curry
8. Stir well. Switch off the flame and keep covered for few minutes
Serve hot with plain rice

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