24 Feb 2014

Spicy Thai Veg Noodles

1. Spaghetti - 150 gm
2. Carrot - 1 (cut in julienne)
3. Red Bell Pepper - half (cut in julienne)
4. Green Bell Pepper - half (cut in julienne)
5. Yellow Bell Pepper - half (cut in julienne)
6. Spring Onion green - A few (cut in julienne)
7. Crushed Dry Red Chilli - 1 tbsp
8. Vegetable oil - 1/4 cup
9. Sesame oil - 1/2 cup
10. Honey - 4 tbsp
11. Soy Sauce - 4 tbsp
12. Salt to taste

1. Boil the Spaghetti with some salt. Drain away the water and keep aside
2. Heat little vegetable oil in a pan. Add the bell peppers and carrot. Saute till these vegetables are partially cooked.
3. Add salt as required and saute for 1 minutes
4. Heat both oils with crushed red chilli over medium heat in a small pan for 2-3 minutes
5. Strain out the chilli flakes and reserve oil
6. Whisk in honey and soy sauce to the reserved oil
7. Add the cooked spaghetti and veggies to the oil and toss well
8. Put spring onions and mix well.
Serve with your favorite sauce

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